Tuina Massage & Baguazhang (Chinese kongfu) Teaching.

We offer Tuina (Chinese Therapeutic Massage), Fire Cupping and Baguazhuang Classes (Chinese Martial Art) with focus on rehabilitation and strength training.


Change Your Life

Start Your Tuina Massage and Rehabilitation Today!

Tuina Massage

Chinese Therapeutic Massage, Fire Cupping.

Baguazhang (Chinese kongfu) Class

(Chinese Martial Art) with focus on rehabilitation and strength training. .

We Help You Stay Healthy

The Practitioner

Baguazhang Teacher & Massage Practitioner.

Lingjie Liu

Since 2012, Lingjie started to study Tuina Therapeutic Massage in China, United States and Canada. And he got a diploma of 1000 study hours of Tuina from Montreal Kungfu Research Center in 2021.